Student Services
Brenda Hannah
Student & Family Services Specialist
Phone Number: 843-386-2955
Email: bhannah@fsd5.0rg

My name is Brenda Hannah. I am the Student & Family Support Specialist, and a Navy Veteran. I have been a part of Florence School District Five for twenty-six years. I have worked in various capacities in the district, which has allowed me to form relationships with staff, students, families, and the community. I am a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker, with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. I enjoy working with children.
Being the student/family support allows me the opportunity to interact with all of our students. I work directly with school administrations as well as students and families, providing support in forming school discipline policies, mental health intervention, crisis management, and support services. My goal is to support Florence School District Five in providing a safe, and positive learning environment that will provide the opportunity for all students to reach their greatest potential. I am a link between school, home, and the community. I feel honored to work in a profession that I love at a place that I love.